Thursday, January 22, 2015

Foscoe Sage

Hello Old Friend,

I noticed in the last letter you sent, the one with the photograph, you are again letting your beard grow.  I remember the last time you had it you said it was too much to take care of.  You were always trimming and fussing with it, whatever made you want to have it back again?  And what’s with the car?  Is that yours?  When did you get that?  It looks nice; a little small perhaps, but nice.  Somehow I can’t picture Alice fitting in there with you.  Will she even ride in it? 

It’s a little quiet around here now that Larry has gone back to school.  He’s changed his major again, says he wants to get a degree in understanding.  I’ve never heard of such a thing. I always thought understanding was just something you did or didn’t do, you know, like – “I understand what you mean.”  How can someone get a degree in catching on to what someone else is talking about?  I don’t get it, but he showed it to me in the catalog.  At least his spirits picked up.  He was really down after the Wild Animal Park fired him for that snake enclosure deal.  They should have never put him in charge of that.  Last I heard there are still 40 or so missing.

Did you ever get the wind chimes I sent?  They should have been there by now.  When they do get there be sure to open the box outside.  They may need to air out a bit longer for the smell to be completely gone.  Nancy really likes the ones I made for her.  The only problem is the neighborhood dogs.  They come by and try to jump up and bite them. 

Not much has changed around the office except they tried to cancel everyone’s vacation because they are so far behind on the Wilson project.  Two people left anyway.  They said they had already paid for their airline and hotel and because it was a no refund deal they told the boss too bad they were going, and they did.  Now we’re all wondering what will happen when they get back.  Everyone thinks they’ll fire Hobbs, but let Ted get away with it.  They never have been happy with Hobbs and that’s a good excuse to let him go.  Ted is the one I told you about before.  He’s the fishing guy; you know – designed and patented his own style fishing rod.  He’s got his two sons making them in the garage and his wife and daughter have a web site set up to sell them.  He says as soon as he retires he is going to open his own store.  It’s all he ever talks about.

OK Foscoe, I better wrap this up for now. Thanks again for sending the photo.  Maybe once Larry graduates we will be able to afford to travel again.  We can head out your way or meet someplace in the middle. Take care and say Hi to Alice.

Your Old Pal






1 comment:

Pauline said...

Great Letter! I know a few people who could also benefit from class in understanding.