Friday, March 29, 2013

Truth be Told...

No camera will ever capture the feeling of Niagara Falls nor shall man experience flight as practiced by an Eagle.  There are small locks throughout the universe for which there are no keys.  We can pick at them but never successfully unlock them.  Some of Life's lessons however are in discovering just where the locks are. 


          We have structured our society in such a way as to facilitate corruption within positions of leadership.  We tolerate immoral and unethical behavior in our politicians, believing that the system is beyond our ability to correct. The evil inherent in Man seeps out behind closed doors; funds find their way into pockets while excessive taxes squeeze the masses into submission.   It appears to be an entanglement of locks that no combination of solutions can undo.


          It is with the passing of time that we grow complacent.   For in our youth we rally to fight injustice, we vote in hopes of finding a hero and we rebel that we may alter the general path.  Only wisdom illuminates the locks causing us in our age to sigh in resignation and focus upon things within reach.  


          I contend that a primary key has been in plain sight and that it is spelled out for us at the onset of the Constitution.  “We the people…” 

Old or young, rich or poor, it matters not.  We are the ones allowing the corruption and shenanigans to continue.  We are the ones allowing our taxes to be misused, misappropriated and wasted. 


          For those of you who read this and believe I am advocating an overthrow, I apologize.  Those who truly know me understand completely that I have written this entire piece simply to use the word shenanigans.  I love using that word.  


          Have a great week and don’t start any riots.



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