Monday, June 17, 2024

You never know...


        There are many thoughts that are best left in my head.  Writing them onto this chalkboard doesn’t advance anyone’s cause.  There just might be, however, a slim chance I come up with something brilliant.  Okay, maybe not brilliant, but something really cool.  Hey, anything can happen.

        Who would have ever thought Joe Cocker could become a singer?  Or that the NRA would be more powerful than Superman?  So it isn’t that unrealistic that yours truly couldn’t stumble upon a cure for the cold, or end stupidity in our lifetime.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Well, I for one, (actually many!!!) am very glad that your thoughts are here for all to read and ponder. Just wishing that Barnes & Nobles, or Oprah or the Evening News Reporter would discover them and put all in print to reach more people which would put your thoughts into more brains!! Yep!! Who knows what all those people could create with thoughts like yours!! Amazing!!