Thursday, June 13, 2024

Grab your coat and get your hat


  In a brief journey from here to there, we encountered kids that were fenced in and grazing, and chickens - oblivious to us passing them at 40 miles per hour. I doubt any chicken has ever achieved 40.

    The entire time I was aware that we had bunnies, possibly melting in the trunk.  I could tell they were cold when we picked them up.  They were blue.  No one would be happy if they melted.

    On the return trip, my view was of the other side of the road.  There was a noticeable absence of livestock.  Mostly trees, driveways that led nowhere in particular, and an occasional failed business, like an ugly beauty shop, an overgrown hair stylist, and an abandoned property management company, I expect full of empty cubicles with non-ringing phones.

    It seemed apparent; life was on the sunny side of the street.

Too bad the property managers didn't know that.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Melted bunnies eaten with a spoon do not taste the same:(