Friday, June 7, 2024

I could be wrong


There are opposites in life, like guest towels and coasters, vs nose rings and tattoos.  Odds are, people with tattoos or nose rings are not going to have guest towels, or use coasters.  Keep in mind, I could be wrong.

I have never seen a butler with tattoos or riding a Harley,  but then, managing our expectations helps us to navigate society.  If there were surprises around every corner, our own behavior might be altered beyond our comfort zone.  Knowing what to expect is quite calming.

Managers, directors and supervisors are not going to have compassion.  Human beings only have value as annoying, whining employees.  They are a necessary evil, sucking up resources.  Of course, they could be wrong. Robotics has already removed the word necessary.

People believe their choice for president is the right one.  No logic or truth will change their mind, even though they are wrong.  Knowing there is a limit to how nice people usually are, the only reason anyone would seek out the job of president would be a corrupt one.  They spend more to get the job than the job pays.  That in itself suggests they anticipate money from alternate sources.   Logic and truth say I am right, but who knows?

Hey, don't get me going...



1 comment:

Pauline said...

I do believe that you have a very valid point!!