Monday, June 17, 2024

Think inside the box


    They call it a smart TV.  I guess they do that in comparison to how televisions used to function.  Today’s televisions have a great deal more capability, and more technology than ever before.

    Here’s the thing.  I can push the off button on the remote, and just a few moments later, it will turn itself back on.  I doubt this is a planned feature.  I’m thinking there remains a trickle, or a spark still traveling about within the system somewhere, and when it reaches that little connection that tells it to open its eyes, it does.

    How can this not happen to us?  We run on electrical charges.  Right this minute there is a current zipping along your system, telling your brain your foot itches, or you hear a buzzing in your left ear.  Trust me, things are happening.

    So, how far fetched is it that suddenly we find ourselves thinking inside the box, long after the coroner pronounces us off?

I’m just wondering…

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Hummmm...Food for thought! But seriously dude - how do you think of this stuff?