Sunday, June 2, 2024

Carrousel 4


    My memory is like the baggage carrousel at the airport.  I'm waiting for a thought to come around, just standing there, trying to think, hoping to remember.

    Nope, that's not it.  So I wait for it to come around again...  just standing there.   Pretty soon other thoughts are crowding in, searching for their thoughts.  Do I know that guy?  He looks like...

    Stop it.  That's nobody.  Think.  What was it I was trying to remember before, Davis.  That's who he looks like, old man Davis.  I wonder if it is…  Gee, how long has it been...

    By the time my thought comes around, it looks nothing like I remember.   I don't recall this being broken before.  Was this always green?  I could have sworn it was brown.  No wonder I didn't recognize it.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I can definitely relate!