Monday, June 24, 2024

Apartments, Sharps & Flats


There are places I'd go back to if I could, although many would require a time machine.  I would return to some restaurants before they started to cheapen things up and cut corners.  Didn't they think we'd notice?


I'd go back to some of my teachers and ask them what the importance was of memorizing dates.


I would return to the street corner where I saw that face go by.  Looking out of the window from the back seat, those eyes begging to be rescued, yet I did nothing.  That inaction has haunted me for years.


I think if I understood music I could write songs.  That thought doesn't go with this post.  It just sort-of popped into my head. I doubt, however, I could ever comprehend notes, and cords, compositions, or







1 comment:

Pauline said...

Ha Ha - Ya, your timing may be off, but your lyrics would be amazing! So much better than most these days!