Thursday, June 27, 2024 hindsight


It was a big decision, and they were struggling with it.  Picking out a name for the baby was important.  It was something the kid would be stuck with their entire life.  Of course, they had gotten a book of baby names from the check-out aisle in the supermarket, but so far there was nothing that jumped out at them.  Halfway through the book for the second time they closed it and agreed to forget about the book, they would do it on their own.

There were a few things they knew for sure.  It was a girl, and whatever name they decided on should reflect confidence, intelligence and beauty.  It should be a strong name, and yet remain feminine.  It should be easy to pronounce, with no tricky spelling.   They would sleep on it for the night and try again tomorrow.

The following morning, after breakfast, they finally agreed on a name for their baby.  It was perfect.  It was straight forward and memorable.  Her name would be Alexa.