Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 27, 2024


You’re here because a small part of you enjoys reading.  You are curious to see what comes next.  It’s addicting, like pulling the handle on a slot machine, will it be three stars or three lemons?  Can this author come up with something worth reading, or is he just wasting your time?

Here’s the thing:  This blog is simply an overflow room.  The real good stuff has already been collected and gathered into an amazing collection of short stories.  The book is called, The Pantry and it is available on Amazon.  The author is Harvey Sarkisian.

Mention this blog and it may cost you an extra 50 cents.  My name is Zobostic Corwin, and I approve this message.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

I have read The Pantry....three times through, and I totally agree. This author is amazing! You should also check out all his other books as well, there are several! All very though-provoking and amusing. Why he is not on tour or being interviewed blows my mind!