Friday, June 21, 2024

The little light has just come on


It is recommended by the manufacturer that every so many miles you think of something else.  Change your thoughts and add a new filter.

You frequently change your clothes and on occasion, buy new shoes, so why not change your mind?

Don’t travel the same roads over and over.  Take a different route, explore what’s just over there.

Unplug for an afternoon and reboot your system.  Have something else for lunch.  Go without television for a week.  Okay, too far?  Try it for a day.

Toss some whole cloves in with your laundry, then ride on an elevator.  Enjoy the facial expressions around you.

Pick one thing, out of all the things there are, then research it to death.  Learn all about it.  Become an expert on it.  Just don’t drive your friends nuts talking about it all the time.

Respond to this blog, even if it is just to explain why there is always just one shoe in the road.  You’ll feel better for it, and I’ll have something to read.


Thank you

1 comment:

Pauline said...

A single shoe is useless to most people. So, there it stays, for people to pass and say to themselves, “Isn’t it funny how you only see single shoes by the road?” However, you only need to Look Up! There you may find it's mate dangling from a telephone wire or in a tree. Seems to be a thing to do with a single shoe these days. Probably tossed there by a best not point keeping the other one and out the window it goes.
OK, back to my TV.