Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Astro Plane


I went to bed last night thinking how exciting it would be to have a conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson.  Obviously there would be no way I’d keep up my side of the conversation, but how fun it was to think about.

The first question I'd ask would be, do tachyon particles really exist.  But then, for whatever reason, Mr. Haney was talking about sending Arnold Ziffle to college, so he could eventually graduate, get a job and start bringing home the bacon.  It was at that point the conversation took an ugly turn.

Jethro chimed in with talk of the college football players tossing around the pigskin.  That’s when Ellie May grabbed Arnold and ran towards the back of the barn, yelling that nobody was going to be tossing Arnold anywhere.  It was then when I knew bringing Neil Tyson into the mix was not going to be an option.

As I was just waking up, George Jetson was taking his dog to the airport.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

OK - I know who George Jetson is - but had to Google Neil deGrasse Tyson! Hummmm, my education is lacking!