Monday, June 17, 2024

It's not a cowlick


        All this time I thought I had no sense of direction.  I have never known which way is which.  Just this morning, however, I have figured it out.  It’s my hair.  There is a patch of hair on my head, no matter what, it points north.  Some may call it a cowlick.  I now refer to it as my north arrow.

        Of course, I still get lost, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know which way is up.  Just ask me.

        One issue was pointed out to me, and that is when I look up, in the direction my hair is pointing, at that moment it is no longer pointing up.

        In order to determine which way it points then, depends on which way I am facing at the time.  That, I don’t know.

        But hey, I’m getting closer.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

OK - had to look this one up! I kind of knew what a cowlick is, but wondered what started it and why it is associated with humans.

"A cowlick, or hair whorl, is a pattern of hair growth that differs from the rest of the hair pattern. The name comes from the cute swirl left behind on a calf when its mother licks it clean. As cute as the name might be, you might feel the whorl is better suited on a baby cow than your hairline."

Just for fun I may start calling it a hair whorl to start conversation. Actually, I am wishing I had more hair on my head - no matter which way it is pointing.