Monday, June 24, 2024

Into the Hopper


Some called him stubborn, while others said he was simply arrogant.  Maybe it was a little of both.  He ignored the warning signs and wouldn’t listen to anyone.  He knew best.  Even though he was the youngest, he acted as if he’d been around forever.

Even his dad would tell him to stay in line, to blend in with the others, but Nigel had a mind of his own.  He didn’t mind pulling his own weight, but he would wander off.  It was as if something was calling him.  Some made excuses for him but after a while everyone just seemed to give up on him.  Nigel was Nigel and nobody was going to change him

Of course, he had been warned about the hopper, and told a thousand times to stay away from the shadows, but Nigel was curious.  He wanted to know what was causing the shadow, plus it was always much cooler in the shadows.  He wasn’t much of a fan of walking on hot cement or asphalt.

It seemed as if Nigel’s fate had been plain to see all along.  No one came out and said it, of course, but everyone just knew some day he would end up in a hopper.



Note:  Grasshoppers don't usually eat ants,
but some do get munched when on a leaf
that is being eaten by a grasshopper.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

They are scary little guys - especially when they gang up in swarms and actually land on you!! Poor Nigel..............NOT!