Monday, April 1, 2024

What kind of person reads Zobostic's Blog?


They are sophisticated and discriminating, without being stuffy.

They enjoy peeling an orange, but don’t like eating them.

They would never wear tennis shoes with a bowling shirt.

They enjoy chocolate but don’t crave it.

They never have more than one cup of coffee.

They prefer vodka over gin, and lemons over limes.

They keep their opinion about facial hair and tattoos to themselves.

They find it rude to arrive late, yet they’re seldom on time.

They are not superstitious, and yet will never set a hat on a bed or walk under a black cat.

They avoid talking about the old days and refuse to speculate about tomorrow.

They don’t smoke.

They never chew with their mouth open or leave a toothpick protruding from their lips.

They felt bad when Radar announced Henry’s plane crash.

They would buy a Subaru because they like the dogs.

They look for themselves in this list.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Wow - you got me to a "T":)