Monday, April 22, 2024


     Alexa knows the minute Amazon has delivered a package to my mailbox. She announces its arrival and then asks me if I want to thank the driver.

    I don't know who the driver is. Is it a man or woman? Is this the only job they could get, or are they doing this to make extra money while they complete their Master's degree in forensic  photography? Do they have any pictures already, perhaps nice grewsome crime scenes. Did this start off as a hobby?

    Do they already have those little number markers, the ones they set around the body parts when taking the pictures? Did they set a number next to my mailbox when they left my package, then snap a picture?

    No, Alexa. I don't feel comfortable adding this driver to my circle of friends. That whole photo thing just creeps me out. In fact, I'm going to stop leaving a Christmas card in the mailbox. I don't want to be sending the wrong message.

    How do I know that's my real Amazon package and not some grewsome leftover?

1 comment:

Pauline said...

They must take a picture of where they put it, it's a rule. However sometimes that makes it hard for us. Once or twice, they have left a big box in front of the door. Yep - makes it hard for us to like Open the Door! Then when delivering just a light envelope, they just throw it next to the door - last time it blew into the middle of the back yard. And then - even when it is posted - they go to the wrong door and the search is on! Definitely some did not graduate from the common since school of thought.