Sunday, August 14, 2022

A Writer


Some people ask me where I get my ideas.

All I can say is that from a very early age I

paid attention to my surroundings.  I watched

the people around me and listened to what they,

at the time, thought was important.

Over the years I saw the political climate change,

wars come and go and fashions being altered

just to stimulate the economy.   I watched leaders go in 

and out of favor and the art world highlight

one medium over another.

I took note of the educational system and

saw people in the music industry rise to fame

with but a single hit.

I could see the glaring holes within the

justice system and I watched as an

entire country said good-by to a loved one.

But mostly, I think it was the beer.

Sometimes a nice cold beer is just jam-packed

with inspiration.


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