Sunday, April 4, 2021

Bird Oil


There is a tiny bird that squeaks just outside my window.  I don’t think he does it intentionally.  It seems more an unconscious thing than a deliberate annoyance.  It is loud, of course, for it awakens me in the early hours.   I am sure he or she is unaware that they are doing it – this squeaking.

I expect that if they knew I was required to be fully rested and refreshed at my meeting later this morning they would let me sleep.  That, of course, would be the polite thing to do, fly off to some distant tree, far from my early morning window.

But they don't.  

And it isn’t a low chirp, like some birds have, no – this is a high-pitched squeak, squeak, squeak, like some small drop of oil would do the trick.   

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