Wednesday, November 30, 2022

OK, so not everyone likes it



It is a fragrance connected directly to childhood.  The moment you smell it there is an instant recollection that the person wearing this unique smell has just come from the barber shop.  It is undeniable.

I know this to be true for one day, while going through the check-out at the supermarket, the employee stopped what they were doing and asked me, “Did you just come from the barber shop?”  At that moment I knew my senses had not lied to me all these years, my aftershave was exactly what the barber shops of yesterday had been using.

There were, of course, many more comments over the years, but that supermarket incident was too on the nose to ignore.  There have been women who have hugged me, simply in a friendly greeting after some absence who have lingered just a tad longer than what is considered a normal duration.  Some have just come out with, “Boy, you smell good.”

The point to all this lies in the memory link back to childhood.  The sense of smell is our strongest and most accurate connection to our past.  But why?  What is the point of this human attribute?  It doesn’t aid in our survival.  It may restore a positive memory when it comes to food.  “Boy, that smells good.  My Mother used to make…”

Hypnosis tends to tap into that link, for subjects respond well when it is activated.

“Relax.  Close your eyes.  You are getting very sleepy, so sleepy.  All the pressures of the day are falling away.  You’re calm and relaxed.  You’re back in grade school.  Your little friends are around and happy to see you.

What’s wrong?  

Why are you getting so upset?  

What’s that… your mother is dragging you off to the barber shop, but you want to stay and play with your friends.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it a stench.  It’s just something the barber…

Okay, I can see you’re becoming too anxious.  

You are beginning to wake up.  When I snap my fingers, you will be wide awake and feel refreshed.  On the count of three,




1 comment:

Pauline said...

There is not a whisker it won't soften,
So you don't have to shave as often!