Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Storage Shed

The police said there was nothing illegal about what she had in there, but the media had a field day and the story stayed in the news for several days.  Her husband was completely devastated and moved out.  One reporter said he had filed for a divorce and had moved in with a brother out in Montana

She would not come out of the main house for comment or even answer her phone.  Eventually the reporters gave up and most of the community lost interest.  

That was two years ago.  Having just moved to this state I had heard nothing about all of that and because I bought the old woman’s house in foreclosure there was never an inspection.  She was long gone and the bank was only interested in getting their money back.

When I saw this shed at the back of the lot - I though it looked pretty cool.  It actually still looked new and looked like a good place to store lawn equipment or whatever needed to be kept out of the weather, but as I headed across the clearing to check it out I noticed a few of the neighbors watching me.  I thought I saw a couple of them take a step back, as if something terrible was going to come running out if I opened the doors.

By the time I had gotten close enough to snap this picture all of the neighbors had ducked back into their houses.

Now I was really anxious to see what was in there.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Ahhh Mannn - Not funny!! What was in there???? Stop keeping me in suspense.