Tuesday, July 15, 2014


 Not only am I the author and creator of this impressive blog, (and as you can see – I myself am quite impressed with it) but I am also a full time Karmoligest.

Often people come to me and say, Zobostic – I’ve got bad juju, can you help me?

Well they certainly didn’t have to tell me they had bad juju.  I could see it from a mile away.

It isn’t always exactly a mile, sometimes I won’t really see it until about 600 feet or so, but the thing is, I have always had the gift. 

Even as a child I could spot bad juju.  Seeing an adult with it was easy, it affected their entire being.  They were not happy, their posture was terrible, they were not  eating their vegetables; often I’d see them puffing away on a cigarette or drowning their sorrows in ice cream.

I hated to break it to them but none of those things help.  Really bad juju over-rides all of the conventional things you can throw at it.

That’s where a good Karmoligest can work wonders.

I believe you’ll see my track record speaks for itself, but please don’t view this as an advertisement.  I already have more business than I can handle, but here's a little test for you:

 If you are having difficulty determining 
if this is half full or half empty -
you may have bad juju.

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