Sunday, July 17, 2022

Thoughts, stems and pieces


I don’t know from formulas or equations.  I haven’t a clue as to calculus, rocket science or why rice puffs up in water but doesn’t in a rice paddy.  What does give me cause for concern is man’s eventual ability to create artificial intelligence.

When machines surpass man, what will be the need for man? 

There is a final ember glowing just beneath the burnt logs.  I dare not walk away assuming it will extinguish itself, because the moment I do, a blaze will overtake this portion of creation, leaving fingers pointing at me.


Buoyancy and balance are all I require to drive across the lake.  My four tires will surely float as they are like balloons full of air.  Their positioning - equally spaced about the vehicle will provide the needed stability.  Tire rotation, I expect will propel the car forward, so other than having a sandwich and Coke with me for my lunch, I am all set.


The community college sat at the top of the hill, which I assume led people to refer to it as higher education.




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