Friday, June 24, 2022

Report 11C21



Having traveled the galaxy to its depths, in a conveyance that allowed for only minimal carry-ons, I believe I’ve become very adept at packing.  That being said, flip-flops, a toothbrush and sidewalk chalk are my primary must haves.  Everything else can be purchased once you arrive.  

Please note, there are still restrictions on the amount of liquids you can have and any wavers to those restrictions require proper documentation.

Proof of life on planet Earth came by way of a partial document discovered on what was then considered paper, made from trees.  It was written in the English language and appeared to be a part of something much larger, but all it said was,

to the place where Louie dwells

Scholars have yet to decipher its meaning.  I have never been a big fan of science fiction, but how realistic is that?  Are we supposed to believe humans of the time cut down trees just to be used for paper?  What were they thinking?


The remainder of this report has been transferred to light-screen technology.  Please use your oven mitts when handling the reader.



Thank you


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