Sunday, December 8, 2019

It wasn't me

Last night I dreamt of a great treasure that fate was sending my way.  I was, however, surrounded by people colored by greed and infested with bad intentions.  I was a simple fish swimming about in a tank of sharks and trixters.

I began to question if any such treasure was worth thinking the worst of people.  I didn't even have the treasure yet and it was already affecting me as well as my sleep.  Perhaps for me the treasure was my ability to reject it and to hold fast to my belief that most people are good and decent.

The moment I came to that realization I began to feel better about myself.  No longer was I tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep.  A great calm came over me and I felt good.

That morning I explained to my wife and children the dream about fate's plan to deliver a great treasure to me and my realization that I needed to reject it.

My wife looked at me with intense disappointment and left the table.  My two girls told me I was lame, insensitive to their needs and was only thinking of myself.  Then they too left the table.

As I sat there looking down into my cereal bowl I began to wonder how, when floating in milk, the cereal manages to stay crunchy.  Maybe if I knew how that was possible, I could float about in riches but still remain steadfast to my principals.

What I needed was to seek out someone who was wise.  I was not smart enough to solve this one for myself.  While pushing my cereal around with my spoon I tried to think of someone very, very smart.

Some twenty minutes later I noticed the cereal had sunk to the bottom of the bowl and I was now late for work.

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