Tuesday, September 25, 2018


It has pulled on me from day one.  It has caused me to stumble and even fall.  In spite of growing and learning it has continually tugged at me.

I have not so much felt it as I have experienced it's effects.  Now, in my old age,  I can see it has had a plan this whole time.  It seems intent on pulling me completely into the earth to be with those it has already taken. 

My Great Grandparents were the first ones I knew that were pulled in.  After that, grandparents, parents, friends and an endless array of strangers are still following. 

I'm not sure I subscribe to the good and evil preached at us, but Heaven being above, yes,  the devil being below...
then perhaps maybe there is something to that.

I keep referring to gravity as it, as if gravity is just some non-threatening, generic that holds no identity, when I should be saying you.  You have brought down mighty trees and great bridges.  It's you who has pulled planes back down to earth, and not very gently I might add.

I know you could have been kinder over the years.  That line-drive I hit in the 8th grade should have easily sailed over the right field fence, but no;  you kept tugging and pulling at it the whole way.  That wasn't right.  You could have easily given me that one.

We have earthquakes whenever you flex your muscles and tidal waves each time you belch.  You have shown us we are no match for you and you can take us at any time.  Those who can afford it are signing up for rockets to take them to Mars.  Some have even sent their cars on ahead.

I am not that rich, nor so foolish as to think Mars has safe neighborhoods.  I think I'll just hang around here for awhile.  Whenever I think you're getting a little too grabby I'll fill my pockets with helium.

Good-luck getting me then.


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