Friday, December 1, 2017

Time is not Linnear

I have been contemplating this for several weeks and have attempted to imagine the multitude of paths leading from this single thought.  All I have discovered are the limitations of my knowledge, and they are staggering. 

It remains a frustrating endeavor, that of not coming close to any conclusions worthy of conversation.  One recurring thought, however, is the elusive knowledge of how to exceed the speed of light.  Apparently some nuggets of truth are simply beyond human comprehension.  There are divine passwords, unhackable, perhaps written in the universal language of all planets, communicated by neither sound nor gesture.

Air exists.  We need not see it to know the chute will open.  Time is a human construct.  It is our stick with which we verify the depth of the river.

Time, void of measurement, removes even the awareness that the river exists.  It would be stepping blindly, never knowing if we were already at the edge of the riverbank and finding ourselves suddenly being swept downstream.  At that exact moment the water within the river and the air beneath the chute are one and the same.  

The unmeasured passage of events are nothing more than two empty hands circling wildly about. 

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I have checked into your blog - read this and have my empty hands circling wildly about! I'm thinking my co-workers are now wondering what guest has me frustrated now. he he