Monday, December 11, 2017

This isn't one of them...

We are traveling together, you and I.  Born within a proximity, placed here on the same planet, and now this message is possibly our first contact.  Of course we know nothing of each other, aside from our ability to read and write in this language. The rest are assumptions.

If you wander about within this blog you'll most likely discover me to more positive than negative, more observant than adventurous and with math skills ending at my little finger.

You, having sent me nothing in return, leave me to assume a multitude of contradictions.  You have an amazing life, but for whatever reason, do not believe it to be noteworthy.  You dream in color and simply assume everyone does as well.  Part of you wishes you could turn the clock back, while your reality says, once through is enough.  You don't want to do any of this again.

Of course, if we have met at some point, neither would have recognized the other.  Maybe I was the circus writer you noticed one day, changing tents.  Maybe it was you I overheard at the lunch counter telling someone, that was the last straw.  Who really knows if our paths have ever crossed, or ever should?

It's all together possible that in person we would be like matter and anti-matter.  O-well, doesn't matter.  The odds are this invisible electronic moment is all we have.  This is our here and now, our yearbook, photo album and resume all embedded here in +'s and -'s. 

If, by some quirk of fate, we do meet, you should know the following:

I ignore dress codes.  My drinking preference is Coke and not Pepsi.  I believe politicians to be equal to, though no better than, mosquitoes.  I was born with an endless supply of commas and I'm not afraid to use them.  The Princess Bride will always and forever be the best movie.  I enjoy flight but not flying.  I like people but not crowds.  I believe rap music should be seen and not heard, and I'm not all that keen on the seen part.   I'd like the wonderful moments in life to last forever. As this isn’t one of them I’ll end this here.  After all, I was much older when I began this blog.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

I must chime in on this one! Try Mt. Dew for a change of pace - I'm addicted!! The Princess movie can be topped by Finding Nemo or Lethal Weapon.....he he. And all the rest I do agree with! Flying is fun - but not airports. On my bucket list is a seaplane and a zip line!! Rap needs to go and if we could can wonderful moments to open and savor again and again - that would be really cool. Great thoughts!! Thanks for sharing.