Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Civil Disobedience

          Fortunately for all of us the body of this post has nothing to do with civil disobedience. I just happen to have that title left over from something else.  It’s been shuffled around for a while, laying here and there on my desktop; then it was put into the center drawer of my desk, but every time I wanted a mint or piece of gum I’d slide open the drawer and there – staring up at me - would be this title – Civil Disobedience.  It really was annoying so I said the heck with it and pasted it on the top of this post.

         And by the way, before you get your shorts in a bunch, NO, I do not chew gum or eat mints while typing to you.  That would be rude.

         I have been accused of many things but never of being rude.  In fact I am currently accused of something so out of character that it gives me some concern about the organization making the accusations.   

          Their employees are allowed to hide, tossing rocks out at those who happen to pass by and the innocent, like myself, are then left to hire attorneys and do battle with these unseen nitwits.

         OK, so maybe the word nitwit might seem a tad rude, but how do we fight stupid?  It is everywhere.  I believe there to be an ongoing epidemic of stupid and nobody seems alarmed.  We have just taken it in stride; “Yep, that’s stupid alright.”  We know it when we see it, it becomes quite obvious when we hear it, and yet it is allowed to continue.  Every country, in every language, and in every walk of life there is something very stupid.

         In my younger day I would have stood up and said something.  I would have painted a large sign and carried it up and down the sidewalk in hopes of shedding light on whatever it was that caused me to become so riled that I painted up a sign.  Well, you know what I mean.

         Now, at this age, I’d just be labeled.  The rock throwers would say I wasn’t a team player; they'ed suggest I have some hidden agenda or that I was simply an agitator.  The next thing you know someone would make the leap to civil disobedience.  Now THAT would be stupid.

         Hey, I just remembered why I had that title laying around.

I need some gum.

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