Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fear of Heights

It is one of the life forms on this planet.  It is designed to blend in, perhaps resemble a leaf so as not to be eaten by some passing bird.


I encountered it by accident; in fact, at first I thought it was a leaf.  You see – we were out front raking - trying to tidy up the yard before winter.  I thought the wind had blown it against the house and it somehow stuck to the bricks.

Once I took a closer look I could see that it wasn’t stuck but was actually holding on for dear life. The poor thing was afraid of heights.  How awful to be something designed to fly and yet be afraid of heights.


My first instinct was to try to help it, maybe gently lower it to the ground so it could once again feel safe, but how could I do this?  The little guy was holding on so tight and I’m guessing he had his little eyes squinched closed so he didn’t have to look down.


That’s all he’d need is to open his eyes and see some giant human hand come reaching for him.  He wouldn’t know I meant no harm.  I’m sure his little heart was beating a mile-a-minute.  I had to face facts; I wasn’t going to be able to help this little guy.  He was on his own.  Nature is just so cruel sometimes.

Maybe I should just smack it with my shoe.



1 comment:

Pauline said...

Yep - a good shoe smack could be called for if he were INSIDE the house. However on the outside he belongs in nature! I hope you let him live long and prosper!! P