Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Episode 24



            Thrills, excitement, danger, romance.  (I hadn’t used any of those words yet in Oak Valley, so I just thought I’d spice this episode up a little).  Actual episode starts here.


            Well…  If you’ll remember, we left Nancy back at the office, and the Mayor was headed (we think, downtown somewhere).  We’re not sure.  But as we join our story today, we find that O.B. Kuiet has caught up with Mayor Warren Peace and is about to spring some news on him.


O.B.:  “Mr. Mayor.  Oh, Mr. Mayor.  Excuse me sir…  Excuse me …  HEY!”


Warren:  “Olivia.  What’s so important?  Why I don’t believe I’ve ever heard you raise your voice before.  You have a lovely yell.  You should use it more often.”


O.B.:  “Mr. Mayor, as you know, Nancy does your books, and in the spirit of small town living she feels compelled to donate the full books to the library.  Well, I haven’t said anything before, but this is different.  I’ve gone over these records and I believe that Oak Valley has approximately $37,000,000.00 in it’s account.”


Warren:  “Cool.”


            Meanwhile, over at Grapeknee High, various speakers mingle in the back room, as it is Career Day, and several Companies are represented to explain their business and the many rewards of working for them.


Linda Foster, School Teacher:  “And Mr. Bostanini, what is it you do?”


Mr. Bostanini:  “Thank you.  I design the car air fresheners that you see dangling from the rear view mirror.  I don’t know if you’ve seen my Christmas Tree?  I also designed a Peach and a Foot.  But the foot didn’t go over that good.  Personally, I think the reason it failed was due to the fragrance boys.  You know, those guy’s can make you or break you.  We call em’ Stinkers, but not the fragrance boy’s of course.  I mean these.”  (He says, holding up an air freshener).



            Well…  I don’t think the Mayor Believes Olivia.  Do you?  And just where was Mr. Bostanini during our career day?  For that matter, where was D.B. Cooper?
            Tune in again tomorrow when we’ll hear Mr. Bostanini say, “You know, as free promotion, I snuck one of my car air fresheners in every car down at Badger Motors.  Now, whoever drives one of those cars away, well…  they're getting a stinker.”







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