Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sir Isaac

 I’ve heard it said that if a common house fly lands on a giant cruise ship out in the ocean, the weight of the fly actually affects the ship.  It sits lower in the water and goes slower.

I put a letter in the mailbox just moments ago, and when walking back up to the house I noticed a small lizard hanging onto the stucco.  I immediately began to wonder if when I got back into the house, I would see the beer in my glass tilted just a little, you know, due to the weight of the lizard hanging on one side of the house.

Some say, the weight of the fly is so insignificant, that it cannot be calculated into the equation.  Others suggest, I have had too many beers and that I should use my powers of thought for good, instead of trying to develop a new Newtonian philosophy.

(See Newton – not Fig)

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