Thursday, December 29, 2022

Smart Phone


I’d like to know what my phone is doing when I turn it on.  I’m sure one of the first things it does is to check to see what time it is, followed by the date.  And it seems it also must know where it is on the planet, so it can calculate the time zone with its GPS location.  

While it is going through all of that, it needs to find out what has transpired during the night, you know, retrieve any emails or text messages that came in while it was sleeping.  All of these things are taking place before the screen lights up. 

Somewhere, not too far below that layer of activity, it searches out the weather.  Does it need to display rain, or sun – snow or fog?  Even which direction the wind is coming from and how strong the gusts will be is a must know.  Basically, it needs to figure everything out before I ever start my day.  

I expect my brain goes through the same shenanigans when I wake up.  What time is it, where am I and what’s the weather going to be today.  Supposedly my battery is fully charged after a good night’s sleep and instead of checking out potential wind gusts, I search for breakfast.  What’s it to be and where will it come from?

My smart phone operates independently from me.  I need to eat, but other than recharging the battery, I don’t have to feed my phone.  Yes, there are bytes involved but no actual food is consumed.  How messy would that be?  Stuffing pancakes into the small slot on the phone?  Forcing a little butter and then pouring syrup into the mix.

OK, so that whole last thought process about feeding food to my smart phone, well…

Consider for a moment that my brain is down to just one bar.  Maybe if I go over and stand by the window…




RDR said...

Rather than stand by window, walk around the block

Pauline said...

Could Work.................