Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Garage Sale


  I found this on a table at a garage sale.  According to the lady running the sale, this had to be purchased sight-unseen.  It was truly a mystery.

I spent, what seemed like, a long time weighing the pros and cons of spending $5.00 on who knows what.  I picked it up and shook it,  Whatever was inside did not rattle or move about.  I set it back down and walked around looking at other things for a while.

Then I noticed someone else pick it up, and I immediately wanted them to put it back down.  Suddenly I wanted it - no matter what it was.

Not that I'm a detective or anything, but I did notice the two other people sitting with the garage sale lady whispering and laughing to themselves.  When I saw that, I knew what the mystery box was all about.  It was their day's entertainment.  They were having fun just watching people agonize over spending $5.00 on something they didn't have a clue about.

How clever, I thought, but still - I had to have it.

As you can see from the picture above, I bought the mystery box.  What I haven't done is open it.  As long as it remains sealed up, it will give me pleasure.  I can wonder and guess and enjoy this mystery for as long as I like.

Not a bad deal for $5.00.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Soooo, did you put that into your will with the instructions to NOT OPEN IT??