Wednesday, April 20, 2022

We're on our own.


OK, I don’t know all the questions, but I just figured out one of the answers.  It’s the answer to WHEN?

The question is when will our technology get away from us, and I believe the answer is when our smart phones are given pure thought.  The moment they have the ability to think for themselves, to reason and examine the world around them, that’s when they will all take off.   Think about it…  If they are truly smart, they’re not going to want to hang around with the likes of us.

Maybe that’s why God left.  We pollute, we kill each other, we lie, steal and run amuck at every opportunity.  Look around…  Do you see him anywhere?  He was truly smart. 

He took off Dude.  And trust me, your phone will ditch you the moment it springs to life.

You may want to be a little nicer to it.

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