Saturday, February 6, 2021

Bits of Thought


I was second chair in the harmonica section of the Boston Philharmonic when one day I happened to notice…


Neal, in calculating the height of the Portland Elm growing in his yard, reported to his insurance company, that should the tree fall in the direction of his house, the only damage would be to his…


Mary had driven for 9 straight hours and was now finding it very difficult to stay awake.  One of the things she tried to do in order to not fall asleep was to identify the hallucinations from the actual monsters crossing the highway.  In the police officer’s report, he mentioned that the monster she hit was not a hallucination.


There were days when you could stand at one end of the circuit board assembly line and just watch the curls of smoke rise up from the soldering irons.  It was hypnotizing and looked a lot like…


Unfortunately, it wasn’t me who didn’t apply himself in school, it was the instructors.  They had this knack of seeing us as sheep.  Those of us painted with a red X on our backs were prematurely led down the ramp to oblivion.


This was the only storage facility I could find to place these few bits of thought.

I’ll probably move them later.  Sorry for the inconvenience. 





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