Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Left to Write

Actual Blog starts here.

Hello.  I am Zobostic Corwin and I have been left here to write.  As I do not know anything about you, some parts of this exposé may appear much more shallow than other areas.  In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if you could see clear to the bottom.  It is there you will discover rocks, smaller creatures, sand and the occasional unknown.  Those will be the things that are not even clear to me.  None the less – they are there and at least are deserving of a mention.

Your day to day existence, your habits, personality and breakfast preferences – for me, are all at the deep end.  I see none of that and won’t even hazard a guess.  The fact that you are reading this suggests to me that we are at least in the same body of water.

I would guess that beyond this blog we share an appreciation for art, nature and random occurrences of punctuation.  Scattered about within this blog are examples – both good and bad, aromas – some more pleasant than others, and of course colors so vibrant that the naked eye becomes embarrassed to look directly at them.

If you have viewed my profile, then you know that I am curious about the number of carry-ons you are allowed for time travel.  I believe that to be a legitimate question.  We all have stuff, and if we are to zap our future selves from the diving board clear over to the playground, shouldn’t we be able to have with us those things appropriate for swings and monkey bars?

You’re right, I can see I lost a few of you back there.  The whole reason for this blog is to give my brain a place to play.  My actual self, like you, has to remain here, do chores, be productive and for the most part, conform to society’s norms.  My brain, however, is free to move about the cabin.  I can mix metaphors that otherwise would never be seen together.  I can hop onto a train of thought, not having a care in the world where it is headed.

I need not become so philosophical that I bog myself down in circular rhetoric.  I can simply splash about in the galactic ocean of abstract thoughts, using nouns and verbs as my flotation devices, and should I ever get in too deep, I take comfort in always knowing where my towel is.

It's Okay to write back.  Just dive in when you're ready.


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