Sunday, June 28, 2020

Just a thought

I look out and it seems to be on the verge of rain.  There is no prediction of rain, but it sure looks like it could at any minute.  Maybe it’s me just wishing it would.

Yesterday I took this picture.  It is on my garage up by the floodlights.  I don’t expect this spider, or his shadow wants it to rain.  That’s the thing about living outside, you are subjected to the elements.   But you knew that already.

Currently there is a virus outside.  It is a nasty critter, infecting people, and killing way too many.  We are staying indoors, away from crowds, shopping and restaurants.

The thing is, you can’t see the virus.  You don’t know who is infected, where it is, or even if it’s on something that has just been delivered to your house.   

The spider tends to his web and never eats anything prepackaged or processed.  Not that I’d want his diet. 

There are people, smart people, working on a possible cure.  Maybe an option to that should be a color.  If they could turn the virus fluorescent orange, or glow-in-the-dark yellow, then maybe we could see it on things.  We could walk  -  way around it, avoiding the area altogether.

And, maybe if a person had it, their hair would light up, and then we’d all know.  Hey – stay away from that guy, his hair is all lit up.  He has the virus.

It would be just one more way of tending to our web.  Keeping an eye out for a storm.

I never said it was a good thought.  

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I like this thought! Great Idea! Put it into the suggestion box.