Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I am not happy

and I know it isn't your job to make me happy.  All I know is that before I bought Window's 10 - I was happy.  I was content, at peace, and I enjoyed each and every day to it's fullest.

Then I switched to Window's 10.  I did this, not because I was unhappy with Window's 7, but because you, Mr. Microsoft, told me you were no longer going to support Window's 7;  no more updates, no more virus protection, nothing.  You were just walking away.

Fine.  You left me no choice but to move onto Window's 10.  Well guess what?  I'm not happy.  Window's 10 is a total mess.  It's two short steps away from unusable.  What were simple functions on Window's 7 are now an exercise in madness.  Things are hidden, steps are added, roads that once had road signs are now just unlit, back alleyways leading to confusing roundabouts. 

We know why you did this.  Greed, pure and simple.  No longer can we buy a program and get on with our lives, nope - now we must buy it every year.  Greed, that's all it is.

Okay, I'm done ranting now.

Just know - I'm not happy.

Z. Corwin

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