Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Flora Matt

Occasional rays of light will reflect fleeting bits of memory, like dust particles floating in someone else's thoughts. I'll flicker past and then again be gone.
When I turn the final page I'll lay my naked self upon the earth.  I'll not consider broken twigs or tattered leaves, neither will I sort philosophies or religions.  I shall simply sleep with mossy clumps and scurrying vermin.

No longer governed, questioned, judged or classified I'll lay quietly, neither blog worthy nor carved in stone.


Pauline said...

When I turn MY final page, no one will ever see my naked self! I WILL NOT simply sleep with those damp mossy clumps, scurrying vermin and bugs. I also will no longer be governed, questioned or judged; but will instead fly free in the wind taking in all the Beauty of God’s Green Earth.

Pauline said...

Don't Burry Me in the Cold, Cold Ground,
Or Sprinkle Me with the Fishes,
Just let me fly above the Mountains,
Yep! Them There's My Wishes!