Thursday, March 28, 2019

Electrical Linguist

There is a substantial insignificance to my blog.  It is not hidden, it is bold and upon every page.  It is woven into paragraphs and painted with punctuation.  It has no musical accompaniment and zero followers.

Back away from your monitor and look at it from across the room.  You'll see that it just lays here, flat, lifeless.  No matter how hard I try I've not been able to breathe life into it and yet I continue to add to it.

It's as if I am pouring glasses of water into the ocean and expecting a rise in the tide.  The unrealistic expectation is on me.  It is of my own doing and has driven me to this realization.

Perhaps if I were a literary carpenter or a word pathologist I'd know how to fix it, but it is nothing that can be hammered or glued.  It is not broken - it is simply lifeless.

OK, I'm going to try something that just occurred to me.

Stan back...

Give me some air,


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