Monday, December 10, 2018

How does it end

Several years ago I watched a unique movie called The Truman Show.  It was creative and very entertaining.  Not only did you wonder what was going to happen but even the actors playing in the movie wore buttons that asked the question, how does it end?

Last night I sat through a movie called Downsizing.  Again, I give it four stars for creativity, but as it progressed I found myself asking the same question; where are they going with this?  From a writing standpoint it looked as though they had written themselves right up to the edge of a cliff. Apparently I was right.  Had I not been strapped in - I would have been thrown from the couch.  Right at the edge of the metaphorical cliff they made a hard right.  The writers suddenly created another door.  I felt as if I’d been had.  Writing shenanigans is what I’d call it.  Just out of the blue they had written themselves an exit.  To me, it was neither satisfying nor an acceptable conclusion. 

At least with The Truman Show I walked away satisfied. It was a good ending and really the only acceptable path it could have taken. 

Walking away from Downsizing I found the small popcorn fragments lodged between my teeth only slightly more annoying than the movie I had just watched.

Good-morning, this is Z. Corwin reporting.

And in case I don’t see you, Good-afternoon, Good-evening and Good-night.


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