Thursday, January 18, 2018

Oh Stately Pelican

Skimming waves
pelicans glide -
Upon their back
I'd like to ride,
but then we'd sink.
I'd close my eyes
and make a wish -
Pelli then
could catch a fish -
I'd hold my breath
he'd eat his snack,
a conscious state
I'd quickly lack,
Small and light
my spirit then -
could ride upon
a Thrush or Wren.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Riding on Pelli's back,
wind in my hair and spray in my face,
I hang on tight and not loose track
of being in the Great Sea Race!

Chasing Dolphins as they play,
Leaping to a gentle height,
Be it night or be it day,
They are my secret delight!