Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pat Pending

Dear Pat,

You are the biggest crook I know.  You and the government officials you bribe should all go to jail, but not a nice jail, one with mirrors where windows should be, so every time you go to look out, instead of seeing the sun, the trees and the flowers, you see a reflection of the biggest crook I know.

You disgust me, but not like when I reach into an old box in the basement and feel something furry, but like when a crook does something so despicable it disgusts me.  

Yes, you know what you did.  The patent was running out on the pill you make, so instead of letting it expire and become affordable you slip the pill into a capsule and tell the world you made a change to it, so now you can extend the patent, keeping the price way too high and cheating your fellow man. 

You and your politician pals should all go to cheater's prison.

OK, that's all I wanted to say about that.

Sorry if I was a little harsh.
      Zobostic Corwin



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