Thursday, July 21, 2016

Full Moon

This is not a scary story, neither is it made up.  It is simply something that took place very early this morning.  For whatever reason, I was wide awake at 3:30 am.  The moon was bright coming in the window and as I got up and looked out into the yard it was like someone was shining a bright flood light over the neighborhood.  The moon was so bright in fact, the trees were casting shadows.  It looked rather pleasant.  Of course no one else in the neighborhood was up yet.  It was all very quiet and peaceful looking.

I'd never done this before, but I decided to get dressed and go for an early morning walk.  I put on the quietest shoes I had, as I didn't want to wake all the neighborhood dogs.  The only other person I expected to see up and about was the slow moving car that delivers newspapers to everyone's boxes.

Once I was outside the air temp surprised me.  It was much warmer than I expected.  I left my jacket on the front porch and headed down the driveway.  Now even though I started off by saying this wouldn't be a scary story, it was kind of eerie out.  There were more shadows than I realized and the silence only served to accentuate the slightest disturbance.  Squirrels making their way through the leaves sounded like some giant, and when the occasional breeze rustled through the trees, I'd jump.

I started out thinking this was going to be just a pleasant stroll but I seemed to be working myself into a frenzy.  What was I so scared of?  I looked back to see how far I'd gotten from the house and it was quite far already.  My porch light was on a timer and it was still on so I knew it hadn't been long at all, just spooky.

As I walked, flashes of last night’s dream were popping into my head. Yes, what was that?  I remember it was somewhat disturbing and that's what woke me.  It wasn't the moonlight, it was that stupid dream.  I tried to think back but it wasn't coming.  Then another mental flash, my bike... It had something to do with my…

I remember.  I could see it.  My bike was bent up and twisted under some lady's car, but where was I?  I could see my pals, we were at the pond. What were we doing at the pond, and why could I see all of them but not myself?  It seemed so real.  The noise from the scampering squirrels no longer bothered me.  As I walked l kept piecing together my very vivid dream.  I looked behind me once again, expecting to see my house off in the distance but what I saw was my entire neighborhood, like I was looking at some tabletop model, but it didn't frighten me.

The next thing I knew I was floating over some proceeding.  My pals were there, all sitting together.  People were looking so serious.  I wanted to know what was going on; I wanted to hear what was being said: and why were they there without me?  We went everywhere together.  Why was I seeing all this from the ceiling? 

The sun was starting to come up and as it did the shadows from the headstones grew longer.  The group of mourners over there looked as if they were part of a movie.  "Places everyone."

I could see my porch light go out.  Odd, it was like I myself had been on a timer. Suddenly it was all very peaceful.




1 comment:

Pauline said...

Very thought-provoking! Hope it's like that. I guest we will find out sooner or later.................hope it's later!!