Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Dean's List

I attempted to make a casserole yesterday following a Paula Dean recipe I found on the Net.  After making sure I had all of the necessary ingredients, I did all of the prep work and then started adding, stirring, measuring, pinching, sprinkling and cooking.

The aromas in the kitchen were great and I started to feel like I was actually going to pull it off.  It was going to come out perfect and taste amazing.  I double checked the times and temperatures and everything was right on.

OK, here’s where the Dean’s list comes in.  If you are not one of those people who made the Dean’s list when you were going to school then I would hazard a guess that the wine you have on hand is much like the wine I have - purchased according to price and not vineyard, year or location. 

Before Paula says to add a cup of white wine she should sprinkle a few more fresh adjective over her sentence and let it simmer a bit.

Example:  Add one cup of good white wine.


Example:  Add one cup of expensive white wine.

Or maybe in a cooking for dummies book she might just come out and say,

“If you purchased this book then don’t add your wine because it will ruin the entire thing.”

In an attempt to look at this experience in a positive light –

I made enough for an entire week. 

On the down side,  I made enough for an entire week.

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