Thursday, June 6, 2013

Uncharted Territory


There are many unexplored areas of my brain.  I have accidently wandered into a few of them on occasion, resulting in some of the things you’ve seen on this blog.
In the upcoming weeks I’m planning an excursion deep into the right hemisphere.  I’m not sure at all what I should bring with me; obviously a flashlight, some of those free hospital booties and maybe a couple of long Q-Tips.  You never know; I may get all the way to the outer reaches and if I do I’d like to push some of that ear wax out from the inside.

I really don’t believe I’ll require any pocket change or snacks but in case I’m wrong I’ll bring along a little food for thought.  Of course should I stumble upon anything enlightening or previously unheard of, I’ll jot down some notes so I’ll have something to report when I return.

Most of my friends don’t think I can pull this off.  They’ve known me for several years and all agree that I’ve never before been in my right mind.
This will be mostly an exploratory mission with not much of a budget and apparently somewhat low expectations, however, everyone tells me that the right hemisphere of the brain is the creative part and that’s what I hope to tap into. 

Last year I ventured into the left hemisphere and found it to be extremely organized.  Everything was neatly arranged.  Thoughts were separated according to category, complexity and originality.  Each was hanging from a pegboard.  Not only were they all labeled but it looked as if they had been spray painted, so an exact silhouette of their shape remained on the board showing exactly where each one belonged.  There wasn’t a stray thought in the place.

I haven’t yet figured out how to find my way back out once I’m in there.  I’m really hoping something will just come to me.

Maybe I should sit with a bright lamp next to my right ear.

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