Sunday, June 2, 2013

Left to Write


It is the unspoken character flaw within us all.  It causes us to believe that good will always triumph over evil - that spaghetti will taste better on the second day and that Hollywood can produce a movie that does not involve a gun. 

But the sad truth to life is that the worst songs are always the longest, the nasty, inconsiderate boss will not suddenly grow a personality or develop a sense of humor, and the car salesman was not only lying but thanks to you has sent his family on another Hawaiian vacation.

Our culture is devolving at an insane rate of speed.  We have stripped away any hope of getting truthful and accurate news reporting.  We have lowered the bar on education, on what is considered acceptable behavior and of course on handrails for short people.  We walk around believing someone is actually in charge of all this when in fact it's a free-for-all.

In short – our cultural immune system has kicked in.  We have turned into the very complacent things that, not long ago, would disgust and annoy us.  We have come to accept that manufacturers will always sacrifice quality for schedule, politicians are in it for themselves and the majority of our food has been altered by harmful chemicals yet we do nothing. 

I do not write this just to highlight the negatives but rather to simply fill this page that just moments ago lay blank.   I thought I had explained that in the title of the blog;
Zobostic – Left to Write.

The only thing worse than a poorly constructed sentence or bridge is a blank page.  I walk around, sometimes down an old country road, sometimes around the mall and I look at life.  Occasionally - subconsciously I'll dig into my pocket for a mint or Lifesaver and discover a small fragment of a thought.  It might even be disguised as a piece of lint, perhaps a little fuzzy, but there it will be.  This fuzzy little thought and I just have to write it down.  It's what I do.

I'll take it out, look at it and try to see where it fits in; is it broken off from some larger thought, or has it just hatched on its own?  You know - an entirely new idea.  Those, by the way, are very rare.  Maybe it wasn't in my pocket at all, maybe it attached itself to my sock like some thistle and unbeknownst to me, I've got this barnacle of an idea that I'm carrying around the mall - people staring at me...   Stop that!

Anyway, after I've gathered up several of these, I sort through them trying to come up with something that could actually be something but usually isn’t. 

It is just my hobby and you are one of a handful of people who have stumbled upon this site and are now reading it.  I, of course am already off doing something else.  I will be back however as this is where I write things - so don’t for a minute think that I’m gone for good.  Good has nothing to do with it.  In fact, no good could ever come of this as it really isn’t all that good to begin with.

Zobostic Corwin


and now that I've just read it myself - when I do get back I think I'll delete it.

...yes, I heard you.  You said, "Good!"




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