Thursday, May 30, 2024

White Birds


They stand out against the darkness of the woods.  They are stark-white birds with long legs and long, curved bills.  They tend to stay gathered, no matter in flight or feeding on the ground, they are always many and always together.  I wonder at their boldness, not blending in, unafraid of nature’s teeth.  Their concern seems only food, for the only time they do not feed is in flight, and that is to simply hunt for the next food source.

Here's the odd thing.  As I was watching these birds, there was a brief flash of light from deep in the woods.  It almost looked like a flash from a camera, but I know for a fact the woods back there are way too thick for anyone to be tramping around.  There are thorns, tripping vines, and poison ivy.  Only once, long ago, did I venture back there.  Never again.  Not to mention the various varieties of spiders and snakes.  No thank you.

Just about the time I started second guessing myself, thinking maybe I just imagined it, a second and third flash occurred, in the same spot.  There’s no way it is lightning.  The sky is clear with not a single cloud for miles.  I wanted to keep watching the spot to see if it happened again, but there are other things I need to accomplish.  I picked up my phone to call my neighbor, thinking maybe he’s seeing the same things I am, but before I finished dialing, I heard and felt a sonic boom.  A few seconds later there were two more.   The same number of booms as flashes.  These must be connected.

Whatever it was, wasn’t enough to scare the birds.  They just keep picking at the ground. 


I’ve got to go check it out.  Be right back.

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