Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Phasers on Stun


Whenever the USS Enterprise was in danger, some off-camera crew member would flip an imaginary switch, and invisible deflector shields would come up around the ship.  Nothing could hurt it.  Nothing got through unless it was a direct hit from a sponsor's commercial.

For some carbon-based units, a glass of wine lowers their deflector shields.  Their defenses come down and not only are they suddenly vulnerable, but they too can fire photon torpedoes without any recoil.

A second glass can have the opposite reaction.  Deflector shields may suddenly become visible and become erratic, popping up, or dropping down without warning.  No alarms, no simulated computer voice, nothing.

A third glass is the same as being hit by phasers on stun.   Suddenly you're speaking Klingon. 


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Hummmm, I never thought about it that way, but you are absolutely right!! However this carbon-based unit, upon consumption of a glass of wine, gets extremely relaxed and goofy looking. However, depending on the wine, sometimes a quick exit from a room is called for.