Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Price Check - Aisle 7


I wonder just how many impulse items I've bought in my lifetime.  What was it that was so important, and where is it today?

Every now and then I get an impulse to throw something away.  I never seem to miss whatever it was.

Various impulses have gotten me in trouble before.  I remember filling out a medical form in my doctor's office.  Not only did I answer all the questions but went through and corrected his spelling and grammar as well.   Not really a smart thing to do (before) the examination.

I was wearing a white shirt, black pants and dress shoes.  I heard the announcement in the supermarket for a price check on aisle 7. My initial impulse was to head to aisle 7 and give whoever it was a price.  I mean, how hard can it be?  It doesn't matter that I didn't work there, it just sounded like a fun thing to do.

When I turned to head down the aisle, I saw a young stock-boy holding a box of macaroni, a mother with three small children climbing around her and her shopping cart.  She looked frazzled.   The stock boy looked confused.   I noticed he was holding the only box that didn't have a price sticker on it.  I looked back at the shelf and saw they were $1.49   I told him the price and then told him to help her with her cart full of groceries, and to help load them in her car if she wanted assistance.

I felt good as I walked away.  I had done my good deed for the day, and no one was the wiser.


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